Typology of the Lecture, Part II

Last week we began to develop a taxonomy of lecture types, the idea being to outline a basic toolbox of tactics to use in class planning. Today we add a few more tools to the kit. (Like the first, credit for much of this post’s inspiration and execution goes to Peter J. Frederick, “The Lively…

Typology of the Lecture, Part I

Variety, as we all know, is the spice of life. It’s also the spice of education – as many studies have shown, few tactics awaken student attention as much as shaking things up, at least proverbially, in your classroom. To help plan your lessons in the new semester, we are gathering a (by no means…

Quote of the Day

“When you’re a professor, it’s possible to go long stretches of time without knowing what’s going on in the heads of learners. When you’re lecturing all the time and never hearing from students, you have no sense of how transfer or misconception deficits are accumulating.” – Grant Wiggins, Understanding Understanding*, 3/26/2012 * HUID login required…